Piano Sheets > Francis Lai Sheet Music > Love Story (ver. 3) Piano Sheet

Love Story (ver. 3) by Francis Lai - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
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(Where Do I Begin?) Love Story is a popular song published in 1970, with music by Francis Lai and lyrics by Carl Sigman. The song was introduced in the movie Love Story. Francis Lai (born April 26; 1932 in Nice; Alpes-Maritimes; France) is a composer noted for his film scores.While in his twenties; Francis Lai left home and went to Paris where he became part of the lively Montmartre music scene. In 1965 he met filmmaker Claude Lelouch and was hired to help write the score for the film; Un homme et une femme (A Man and A Woman). Released in 1966; the film was a major international success; earning a number of Academy Awards; and for the young Francis Lai; a Golden Globe Award nomination for -Best Original Score.- This initial success brought more opportunities to work for the film industry both in his native France as well as in Great Britain and the United States. In 1969; he wrote the score for.    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
Francis Lai (born April 26; 1932 in Nice; Alpes-Maritimes; France) is a composer noted for his film scores.While in his twenties; Francis Lai left home and went to Paris where he became part of the lively Montmartre music scene. In 1965 he met filmmaker Claude Lelouch and was hired to help write the score for the film; Un homme et une femme (A Man and A Woman). Released in 1966; the film was a major international success; earning a number of Academy Awards; and for the young Francis Lai; a Golden Globe Award nomination for -Best Original Score.- This initial success brought more opportunities to work for the film industry both in his native France as well as in Great Britain and the United States. In 1969; he wrote the score for director Ren Clment-s film; Rider On The Rain (Le Passager de la Pluie). (Where Do I Begin?) Love Story is a popular song published in 1970, with music by Francis Lai and lyrics by Carl Sigman. The song was introduced in the movie Love Story.Francis Lai (born April 26; 1932 in Nice; Alpes-Maritimes; France) is a composer noted for his film scores.While in his twenties; Francis Lai left home and went to Paris where he became.
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